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We’re a group of caring people who use the power of God to help those who need it the most.
Somebody Cares Tampa Bay is a network of independent, community-based non-profit agencies providing outreach support to Tampa Bay organizations that assist individuals and families in financial need. Somebody Cares Tampa Bay works in concert with local ministries to provide the basic necessities of life and to educate and develop healthy, self-sustaining communities, families and individuals.

Daniel Bernard, Founder and President of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, believes it is God’s desire that the residents of Tampa Bay see a demonstration, not merely a presentation, of God’s love for them. As churches, ministries, and businesses work in unity to bring the necessities of life to the underprivileged, the love of God is expressed. Practically, we can do much more together than we can do apart.
As Christians, Daniel and his wife Kathy believe that unity is the key to revealing God worldwide. Jesus prayed for oneness four times in the New Testament (John 17:11, 21, 22, 23). This is the only thing Jesus prayed for four times in His earthly ministries. Jesus didn’t believe unity was optional.
“And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love Me.” – John 17:22, 23
The Bernards want to see every resident of Tampa Bay receive a visible, physical demonstration and an audible or written presentation of the Gospel. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Daniel Bernard believes the perfect bond of UNITY is love. Love is the real issue. The root problem of a lack of unity is a lack of love for one another. We are the only ones who can fulfill the prayer of Jesus in John 17. But, says Daniel, we have to make a commitment to walk in love.
“And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” – Colossians 3:14
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Check out Daniel & Kathy's new book on discipleship
Just finished the Proven Plan. Loved it! It touched my heart and captured the heart of our church. The story of Daniel and Kathy laying down their lives for the gospel was especially moving. By reading and applying this book you keep the last words of Jesus your top priority in life and ministry.
Bill Cooper Pastor at Cornerstone Church on University South Florida Campus, Tampa, FLThe Proven Plan is a phenomenal book for anyone that wants to understand true discipleship while keeping it simple. Very informative and well written. I highly recommend it for anyone involved in any church or ministry setting.
Bart Barnette Estate Resale Business Owner, Pinellas Park, FLThe Proven Plan is a phenomenal book for anyone that wants to understand true discipleship while keeping it simple. Very informative and well written. I highly recommend it for anyone involved in any church or ministry setting.
John Clayton JFloridaDaniel and Kathy Bernard’s, The Proven Plan Book is a game changer in the quest for spiritual formation and maturity. This book solidifies and affirms the sufficiency of Jesus' finished work on the Cross, while giving keen insight on the proven plan of discipleship. Ultimately, readers are left with the simple reality of the necessity of being rooted in Christ... it is a must read!
Kevin McGary Founder of Every Black Life MattersThe Proven Plan addresses the greatest need in the church today, which is to make disciples who will make disciples. I bought the book for all my leaders. Get this book TODAY and apply it.
Rafael Najem Senior Pastor for CCF Ministries and Founder of CCFI - Lowell, Mass.Just finished it and once I started, couldn't put it down. Daniel Bernard provides a powerful and needed reminder to get back to Biblical basics if we want Biblical results. He reminds us we must move from the "ghetto" church to the family church. We must not just build a crowd or a church, but make and reproduce disciples, who reproduce others as well. Unfortunately, we have trained an audience not an army. If you want to reverse this sad situation, read this book, and put it into action.
Myles Holmes REVIVE USA
I have read the Proven Plan book, and I can say it has been very impactful. To see the valuable information Daniel and Kathy Bernard have shared on the changes we can make on a day-to-day basis when it comes to our believing and service unto the Lord is priceless. In my opinion, every believer should read this book.
Elzie Mahoney Owner of Mahoney Auto in St. Pete, FL