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Meet Our Team
We are able to do all the amazing things we do, because of all the amazing people we work with.
Board of Directors

Dr. Daniel Bernard

Kathy Bernard

Kenneth Johnson
Advisory Team

Pastor Leonard Lord

Pastor Jerry Hekhuis

Pastor Ellis Hodge

Pastor Thomas Dozier

Eddie Robinson

Louis Capdevilla

Kathy Bernard

Luke Bernard

Eddie Robinson

Meet the Founders
Dr. Daniel Bernard was born in Clearwater, Florida, on July 4, 1956. In December of 1978, Daniel accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Shortly after getting saved, Daniel went to Kentucky Christian College where he obtained his BA in Bible. He furthered his education by attending Cincinnati Bible Seminary for two years on a Leadership Scholarship. Daniel received several awards for leadership and preaching. He earned an MA in Missiology from Liberty Theological Seminary. In September 2000, Daniel was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Theology from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary in Tampa, Florida. His wife, Kathy, attended Florida Christian College and earned her Master’s degree in Christian Education and Counseling at Cincinnati Bible Seminary.
While working on his Master’s degree at Cincinnati Bible Seminary, he met and married Kathy. They have been married for thirty-nine years and have six children: Leah, Luke, Bethany, Faith, Peter, and Rachel. Daniel and Kathy have ministered in a variety of arenas, including pastoring churches in Williamstown, KY and Bryan, TX. While in Bryan, Full House Ministries, Inc. was established. Through this ministry, the Bernards coordinated many outreaches, such as street ministry and short-term mission trips to Nigeria and Mexico.
In January of 1991, the Bernards left the United States to do mission work in Nigeria, West Africa. Their goals were to plant churches and develop a discipleship school. Although the Bernards left the mission field in 1996, the work continues through sixteen established churches under the name of High Impact Christian Centers. After ministering in Nigeria, the Bernards felt that God was leading them to Tampa Bay to work with the local churches. On June 10, 1997, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay (SCTB) was established.
SCTB’s mission is to unify and empower the Church across denominational and racial lines, utilizing all the key components that are needed to effectively reach and evangelize the Bay area for Christ. Somebody Cares has equipped and supplied the local Church with resources through many projects and events. By combining resources, SCTB has been able to do more together than apart and significantly increase ministerial effectiveness in reaching the Bay area. The Bernards’ commitment to do “all the good they can by all the means they can” has not diminished over time.
Daniel is the author of, “Praying Up a Storm,” “God’s Soul Desire,” “The Church at its Best,” and a workbook called “Attitudes in Action – Developing Disciples through the Beatitudes.” Daniel and Kathy co-authored a book on marriage, “Me Tarzan, You Jane!” Daniel has been a contributor to “101 Ways to Reach Your Community” and “101 Ways to Reach the Needy,” by Steve Sjogren. Daniel has been a guest on the “700 Club,” Christian Television Network, and has been featured in Outreach and Inspire Magazine. Daniel is available for speaking engagements and can be reached atDaniel@sctb.org.In 2017, Daniel and Kathy produced the Christian film, “The Favorite,” inspired by the true story of a near fatal car accident their son, Luke, had. Doctor’s said that if Luke lived, he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. Through a large network of intercessory prayer, God chose to heal Luke, and during his recovery he wrote the script for the movie and ended up playing as one of the lead actors in its production. “The Favorite” has had limited theatrical release in English and in Spanish across the country and won several awards. Universal Studios picked up the DVD rights and it is streaming through PureFlix. Kathy wrote the book “Journey through the valley”, that shares their personal story of Luke’s miraculous healing.
Check out their new book on discipleship
Just finished the Proven Plan. Loved it! It touched my heart and captured the heart of our church. The story of Daniel and Kathy laying down their lives for the gospel was especially moving. By reading and applying this book you keep the last words of Jesus your top priority in life and ministry.
Bill Cooper Pastor at Cornerstone Church on University South Florida Campus, Tampa, FLThe Proven Plan is a phenomenal book for anyone that wants to understand true discipleship while keeping it simple. Very informative and well written. I highly recommend it for anyone involved in any church or ministry setting.
Bart Barnette Estate Resale Business Owner, Pinellas Park, FLThe Proven Plan is a phenomenal book for anyone that wants to understand true discipleship while keeping it simple. Very informative and well written. I highly recommend it for anyone involved in any church or ministry setting.
John Clayton FloridaDaniel and Kathy Bernard’s, The Proven Plan Book is a game changer in the quest for spiritual formation and maturity. This book solidifies and affirms the sufficiency of Jesus' finished work on the Cross, while giving keen insight on the proven plan of discipleship. Ultimately, readers are left with the simple reality of the necessity of being rooted in Christ... it is a must read!
Kevin McGary Founder of Every Black Life MattersThe Proven Plan addresses the greatest need in the church today, which is to make disciples who will make disciples. I bought the book for all my leaders. Get this book TODAY and apply it.
Rafael Najem Senior Pastor for CCF Ministries and Founder of CCFI - Lowell, Mass.Just finished it and once I started, couldn't put it down. Daniel Bernard provides a powerful and needed reminder to get back to Biblical basics if we want Biblical results. He reminds us we must move from the "ghetto" church to the family church. We must not just build a crowd or a church, but make and reproduce disciples, who reproduce others as well. Unfortunately, we have trained an audience not an army. If you want to reverse this sad situation, read this book, and put it into action.
Myles Holmes REVIVE USA
I have read the Proven Plan book, and I can say it has been very impactful. To see the valuable information Daniel and Kathy Bernard have shared on the changes we can make on a day-to-day basis when it comes to our believing and service unto the Lord is priceless. In my opinion, every believer should read this book.
Elzie Mahoney Owner of Mahoney Auto in St. Pete, FL